Well, I did try @jyapayne proposal, because the less code the less bugs, but it 
did not work in my case. The error message Error: in expression 
'final_sort2(b)(ite``gensym19335006)'... occurs at the call site of final_sort2 
and not the exception. It's perhaps related to the fact that the returned 
typedesc is being used to do a conversion by the compiler.

In the end, I reverted back to returning a typedesc to please the compiler, and 
then the exception occurs.

For the moment, I'm using Nim type system to check acceptable types in the DSL, 
creating templates for the final_sort2 function: Nim type --> resulting DSL 
type. In the end, as the number of types will increase, I'll need a more 
flexible type checking system and I'll have to build a real table...

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