While I always advocate for lib wrappings to be as faithful to the originals as 
possible, to make it easy for people to follow their documentations, in this 
case I'll have to agree that at least proc names should change to lower case 
first letter (which doesn't make it harder to follow the docs anyway). Not out 
of preference of reading it's code as Nim code (I disagree with that argument, 
really), but because as it is it's breaking code highlighting, and you end up 
with procs having the same color highlighting as types (tested in Sublime and 
VSC). This makes the code harder to read and figure out.

I also agree with @exelotl, a nimble package would be quite handy, because it 
allows you to just `import raylib` from any of your modules, instead of having 
to keep track of where the file is located relative to them, like `import 

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