Hello community! I am a new and enthusiastic user of nim, which now I'd like to 
go to the next step.

I am trying to use nim to call the Parallel's C API, to manage my virtual 
machines in the comfort and flexibility of nim. This means that I have to keep 
reference of obscure pointers to virtual machines (!!!) and free them (a) when 
something goes wrong and (b) when they are not needed any more.

For the (a) part, I was thinking to wrap this pointer on a nim object, which 
could be "invalidated" if something goes wrong, to be on the safe side.

My question is mainly for the second part. In the documentation ("Nim Backend 
Integration") mentions

> Typically C data structures have their own malloc_structure and 
> free_structure specific functions, so wrapping these for the Nim side should 
> be enough.

But I haven't found a way to tell nim that "do this when you want to take the 
object out of memory". Also, is this code and GC guaranteed to be called when 
exiting nim (or when ctr-c is hit) to be on the safe side, or something more 
should be done?

Thank you for your attention!

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