
Thanks for the UncheckedArray trick to access underlying C-array.

asUncheckedArray will return a type : 
    ptr UncheckedArray[TPollItem]

I tried both : 
    var res : int = poll(asUncheckedArray(p)[0].addr, 2, 10000)
    var res : int = poll(cast[ptr TPollItem](asUncheckedArray(p)), 2, 10000)

to get a ptr TPollItem back. Both gives me same result as the code I posted.

I also tried to define a poll function with UncheckedArray ptr parameters : 
    proc poll*(items: ptr UncheckedArray[TPollItem], nitems: cint, timeout: 
clong): cint{.
      cdecl, importc: "zmq_poll", dynlib: zmqdll.}
     var res : int = poll(asUncheckedArray(p), 2, -1)

In all those case, I only the first TPollItem is receiving data. If I try to 
receive manually data on the second connexion with no POLLIN flag set (since I 
know data is present in a trivial) I can receive the data normally.

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