Progress update:

  * The new exception handling implementation is the default with `--gc:arc` 
(and `--gc:orc`).
  * The compiler infers the `sink` parameter annotation for you, there is 
little need to use it explicitly.
  * The cycle collector `--gc:orc` is now **much** faster. The implementation 
does exploit the revived `acyclic` annotation.

That means the existing async designs (stdlib, chronos) work without 
modifications with `--gc:orc`. (In theory; in practice more testing is 

If you use `ref object` like C++'s unique_ptr the performance is on par (or - 
because of Nim's superior parameter passing semantics - better than) C++'s 
unique_ptr: all RC operations are elided and the cycle collector isn't involved 

**So how does --gc:orc work?**

It's a myth that reference counting doesn't work with cyclic structures, but it 
is true that it reintroduces the "tracing" aspects and heuristics _when_ to run 
the tracing and over which subgraphs in order to make this fast enough. The 
current implementation is based on so called "trial deletion" with Bacon's 
improvements, read 
 for more information.


  * Only traces the subgraphs that were modified since the last GC run, 
somewhat comparable to a generational GC (but in theory actually better than a 
generational GC). What you don't touch in memory the GC doesn't touch either, 
it's independent of the involved heap sizes (but not independent of the 
involved subgraphs (SCCs) ...).
  * Our implementation uses a novel "type tag free" optimization so that most 
heap objects do not have to store a type tag in the heap, saving 8 bytes of 
memory which we use to make cyclic root removal an O(1) operation. This implies 
that at runtime we exploit even more acyclic cases than previous designs.

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