
Today, I hacked together a simple templating engine in Nim, yet to be 
perfected. Here it is: 
and I was wondering if I could embed the Nim compiler on a webpage to make it 
possible to play with my code in real-time in the browser. Is it possible?

The idea behind my code was to have a templating system that avoided the 
virtual DOM. I discovered a while ago SvelteJS (at the end of version 2) and it 
provides a nice alternative to Virtual DOM by updating only DOM nodes that 
needs updating. It avoids DOM diffing nonsense. With version 3 it also provides 
JavaScript with reactive abilities for the code logic. It all works by 
compiling the template file to javascript.

Yesterday evening, I took the generated javascript for simple examples and 
looked it up. I reproduced how it worked in Nim today (with large areas missing 

In addition to that, and to avoid inventing yet another templating syntax, I 
took the the approach of directly using the HTML `<template>` element and map 
the elements with a simple DSL in Nim to JSON data structure. That's where I 
need the Nim compiler on the browser. At first I thought I would need macros or 
templates, but i nthe end plain procedures with the do syntax worked very well. 
That's how powerful Nim already is. 

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