Hello when I forward to a proc in the example fldX.name

I wanted to remove the error
    Hint: passing 'fldP.name' to a sink parameter introduces an implicit copy; 
use 'move (fldP.name)' to prevent it [Performance]

So I used "move", but actually I lost the value and the variable. moreover we 
see it in "echo" after.

I wanted to follow the recommendations !!! I finally try normally when I 
compile a C / C ++ program I make sure that it has no more errors.

that's why I initialized x and put move (x) so as to no longer have an error 
even if the variable was only useful for passing parameters
     var x = fldx.name
    proc (.... , move(x) ) 

that way I could still use "fldx.name"

this is what i did in the program 

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