Okay, got the multilingualism working on windows.

Gettext calls on windows GetThreadLocale to retrieve locale. Therefore 
setlocale wont work on windows. Also gettext reads out `LANG` and `LC_ALL` 
environment variables (if one is set, GetThreadLocale wont be called). When 
running in vscode integrated terminal it wont work, because vscode sets the 
`LANG` environment variable -.-

* * *

Working example without gtk: 
    import os
    when defined(windows):
      import winim
      {.passL:"""-LC:\msys64\mingw64\lib -l:libintl.a -l:libiconv.a""".}
      proc setlocale(category: int, other: cstring): cstring {.header: 
"<locale.h>", importc.}
      var LC_ALL {.header: "<locale.h>", importc.}: int
      import posix
    proc bindtextdomain(domainname: cstring, dirname: cstring): cstring 
{.header: "<libintl.h>", importc, cdecl.}
    proc dgettext (domainname: cstring, msgid: cstring): cstring {.header: 
"<libintl.h>", importc, cdecl.}
    discard bindtextdomain("gui", os.getCurrentDir() / "locale")
    when defined(windows):
      var lcid: LCID =  LocaleNameToLCID("de-DE", LOCALE_ALLOW_NEUTRAL_NAMES)
      discard SetThreadLocale(lcid)
      discard setlocale(LC_ALL, "de_DE")
    echo dgettext("gui", "JOIN_CONNECT")

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