
I like that description of Nim too as a snappy description / bullet.

While I have no problem what the word _idiomatic_ myself, perhaps plainer 
language would be better too, for younger people, and perhaps non native 
English speakers to understand more easily?

At the end of the day it is about communicating something important, so the 
simpler and clearer it can be the better...

Anyway - some other suggestions:

If the word 'wall' is a concern, how about some alternatives:

> Everyday Nim code is fast with no optimisation xxx

  * walls
  * restraints
  * constraints
  * hindrance
  * restrictions
  * limitations
  * weak point
  * failing
  * flaw
  * obstruction
  * barrier
  * choke point

Thats plenty of alternatives that convey similar messages :)

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