Hi guys. I've been trying almost the entire day to get this to work.

So, I want to decrypt the local Chrome cookies, using the [CryptUnprotectData 
 with winim. The function itself basically takes two real arguments - one 
DATA_BLOB pointer for the input and one DATA_BLOB pointer for the output. The 
DATA_BLOBs themselves are apparently made up of [two 
 \- a DWORD (specifying the length of the blob) and a BYTE pointer, containing 
the actual data.

However, I can't figure out how to pass a BYTE pointer to the function. Nothing 
seems to work. I've tried putting the data in a seq[BYTE], passing addr var[0] 
as the BYTE pointer. I've tried putting the data in a BSTR, and I've tried 
casting pretty much everything into BYTE pointers. Still nothing. Here is my 
latest attempt, just so you can see what the code looks like (it's obviously 
wrong, but at this point I'm just throwing stuff at the wall to see if anything 
    import winim
    import db_sqlite
    let db = open("C:\\Users\\Daniel\\AppData\\Local\\Google\\Chrome\\User 
Data\\Default\\cookies", "", "", "")
    let result = db.getAllRows(sql"SELECT encrypted_value FROM cookies WHERE 
host_key LIKE '%hostname.com%' AND name LIKE '%COOKIE_NAME%'")[0][0]
    var decryptedCookie : DATA_BLOB
    var encryptedCookie : DATA_BLOB
    var byteData : BSTR
    byteData = result
    encryptedCookie.cbData = int32(len(result))
    encryptedCookie.pbData = cast[ptr BYTE](addr byteData[0])
    let decryptResult = CryptUnprotectData(addr encryptedCookie, nil, nil, nil, 
nil, 0, addr decryptedCookie)
    echo decryptedCookie

Please guys. I need your help. What am I supposed to do here?

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