For what it's worth, at least for systems where one can assume post-POSIX.2008 
APIs like `openat` and `fstatat` (really any vaguely recent Linux/BSD), it is 
possible to roll your own recursion that, in my timings, is about 4x faster hot 
cache than `walkDirRec` (note no trailing 't'). What boost one gets depends on 
whether you need that `Stat` metadata (e.g. file times, sizes, owner, perms, 
etc.) or just path names. Those ideas are in the current 
`cligen/dents.nim:forPath` template for Unix users. (It could actually be sped 
up a couple ways still, but not very portably.)

Of course, depending on the scenario/hotness of caches, the boost may not 
matter much. Costs from the recursion may be tiny compared to IO/other work. Or 
it could dominate. Personally, I do a lot of work out of a `tmpfs /dev/shm` 
bind mount to `/tmp` which never has any IO.

Mostly I was just giving yet another syntax for packaging up 
that lets the guts hang out more and the calling code has to/ ** _gets to_** be 
aware of that while maybe having delegated the low-level system stuff to the 
template author. Nim is pretty great like that.

BTW, I did re-arrange the order of the 4 event clauses to `always, preRec, 
postRec, recFail` and provide a `recFailDefault` template to make things read 
more nicely. So, my above code example won't quite work as written anymore. 
Best to start from one of the 4 worked out examples after the template in 
`dents.nim` if you want to use it.

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