I see that there are 2 Visual Studio Code extensions for nim. The one that has 
the most downloads by far is vscode-Nin 
 That one is not updated very frequently. I don’t think it even claims to 
support nim 1.0, let alone 1.2. In its documentation it still references VSCode 

There is another one called Nim-alt 
 which seems to be a fork of the first one (perhaps due to the lack of activity 
in the first one?). It has been updated more recently and claims to have fixed 
some problems with the original extension. Which one do you guys recommend?

I know that editors and IDEs are very personal choices for a lot of people. Yet 
I think that I order for nim to become a more mainstream language there should 
be at least one good quality, up to date extension for at least one of the 
major editors. From what I’ve read in this forum VSCode seems to be the most 
commonly recommended nim programming environment. The fact that the available 
VSCode extensions seem to lag significantly behind the language does not look 

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