How would one declare a variable that is to contain a procedure later on?

E.g.: instead of testing a condition over and over again in each run of a proc 
and branching depending on the condition, I'd create two functions, one for 
each of the possible values, check the condition once (which is not going to 
change during some certain interval), and then assign the desired funtion to 
the container. Later on the container variable holding the proc can be 
repeatedly called without further checking and branching

My current code is like below. However I'd prefer to declare the container 
variable first and define the procs later on:
    proc a1(par1: int): int =
      result = something
    proc a2(par1: int): int =
      result = a different thing
    var a = a1
    if condition:
      a = a2
    # some code here ...
    # some further code here

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