Hi, I want to implement `interface` or `dependency injection pattern`. Finally 
I want to implement an extensible web framework. For example, I have a Context 
object containing a Logger attributes. I just define the interfaces that Logger 
should satisfy. Then users can pass their own Logger instance to construct 
Context object. My goal is to achieve a loosely coupled application.

However using function pointers directly makes it hard to extend object. 
      Animal* = object
        id: int
        sleepImpl: proc (a: Animal) {.nimcall, gcsafe.}
        barkImpl: proc (a: Animal, b: int, c: int): string {.nimcall, gcsafe.}
        danceImpl: proc (a: Animal, b: string): string {.nimcall, gcsafe.}
      People* = object
        pet: Animal
    proc sleep(a: Animal) =
    proc bark(a: Animal, b: int, c: int): string =
      result = $(a.id + b + c)
    proc dance(a: Animal, b: string): string =
      result = b
    proc newAnimal*(id: int): Animal =
      result.id = 1314
      result.sleepImpl = sleep
      result.barkImpl = bark
      result.danceImpl = dance
    let people = People(pet: newAnimal(12))
    doAssert people.pet.barkImpl(people.pet, 12, 14) == "1340"

If I can't use generics to implement interfaces, I maybe implement something 
like `vtables` in C++ or `fat pointer` in Rust(Using macros or so).

Experiment Code: 

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