This email could get a better feedback on OpenWRT-devel mailing list :)

If you take the AP to Berlin it is a good thing, Felix could look at
it and help you porting OpenWRT to it. The time required for the
operation depends on the hardware that is inside the box.


2010/5/3 Mitar <>:
> Hi!
> In one city in Slovenia (just on the border with Italy and we could then
> fire WiFi into Italy :-) ) they use Zyxel NWA-3160 and would like to
> convert to our mesh infrastructure and interconnect into common network.
> I checked around but it does not seem to be support by OpenWrt. As I do
> not have any experience with porting OpenWrt to new hardware I would
> like to ask if anybody could help me (ehm, do this while I watch how it
> is being done)? If I would take one this AP to WCW to Berlin would it be
> enough time to do this there? It would be really great if we could get
> OpenWrt officially on this.
> Mitar
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