My advice ... not a generally good idea to run performance sensitive
environments on a virtual platform. With this VMWare configuruation, you
end up with three levels of kernels deciding how to distribute CPU
resources. I would not want to depend on results from such a
configuration for any purpose other than validating NISTNet operation.

So I'd be surprised to find someone who had done such an image. And
secondly, I'd wory about copyright issues distributing such an image.

On Wed, 8 Nov 2006, Allen Derusha wrote:

> I'm wondering if anybody has assembled a VMWare image with a working
> NIST Net installation.  This seems like it would be an easy way to
> distribute a working copy of NIST Net for users of either Linux or
> Windows (through the free VMWare player), and to also allow easy
> integration of NIST Net into test environments which seem to rely fairly
> heavily on ESX server these days.
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