Hi Michael,

 > Two stdenv rebuilds where one would work is an annoyance.
 > [...]
 > Your way supposes trying to build them with just new glibc, and then
 > trying to build them with new glibc and make. It doesn't look like
 > this approach would reduce rebuilds.
 > [...]

my impression is that we approach the question at hand using different
priorities. You seem to be concerned mostly with Hydra, i.e. you argue
that policies should be designed so that Hydra is happy, whereas I am
concerned with people, i.e. I argue for policies that simplify
development -- even if this means that Hydra has to perform builds that
could theoretically have been avoided.

Under those circumstances, I don't see how we could agree, so I suggest
we agree to disagree.

Take care,

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