On Wed, Oct 26, 2011 at 05:47:49PM -0400, Paul Dufresne wrote:
> Having problems downloading the MANIFEST.bz2 file on nixpkgs-unstable
> with my 56k modem (I always get curl error 18, between 0% and 50% of
> the 19Mb file), I downloaded on a computer with high-speed Internet,
> along the nixexprs.tar.bz2, on my usb key in a directory called
> MyChannel.
> I then used nix-channel ---add [directory-path]
> followed by nix-channel --update.
> Things seems to have got fine.
> But seeing that nix-env -qa '*'
> or nix-env -i hello
> look to take much than one or two minutes to give any results, I
> killall nix-env and rebegin:
> sudo nix-env -i -v hello
> Well I guess the -v ... which seems to show me what it is doing.
> It seems that it need to evaluate all the nix expressions in the
> unstable packages.While doing this, top reports that it eats about 72%
> of my memory (256Mb Physical + 256Mb virtual).

are you using the latest trunk nix?
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