On Wed, 21 Dec 2011 20:04:04 +0400, Michael Raskin <7c6f4...@mail.ru> wrote:
> >> I assume you meant you don't use NixOS and are not familiar with nix?
> >> 
> >> > and would like to request if anyone else is available to prepare a 
> >> > package for the game.  See 
> >> > http://www.indiedb.com/games/beret/forum/thread/open-source
> >> 
> >> I'll take a go at adding it to nixpkgs. (...)
> >
> >Well, thank the two of you for bringing this highly addictive game to
> >nixos :/
> >
> >However, F1 (save level state) and ESC (exit to map) are not working but
> >are just displaying "File was not opened". Any ideas?
> And exit doesn't save game state, either - but no errors are printed.

good news:
mkdir ~/.beret
mkdir ~/.beret/saves
mkdir ~/.beret/rooms
cd ~/.beret

at least the version shlevy packaged for nixos is not able to
create a config/state dir, except on OSX, it just assumes there is a
saves (and rooms?) folder in CWD (see game.c:818 and following).

bad news:
now it's actually fun to play the game...

Florian Friesdorf <f...@chaoflow.net>
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