On Thu, 19 Jan 2012 22:27:31 -0800, Phil Hagelberg <technoma...@gmail.com> 
> Florian Friesdorf <f...@chaoflow.net> writes:
> > By having prerelease versions of soon to be stable software in nix, we
> > support people who provide addons or config in adapting them.
> I agree. I distribute a lot of my own elisp packages using package.el,
> the built-in package manager that is new in Emacs 24. So I try to
> encourage my users to upgrade to 24, and since Debian dropped their
> emacs-snapshot packages, I would like to recommend nix as an easy way to
> get the latest without having to wait or build their own.
> > I would not do it for every software we have in nix, but as long as
> > there is one person actually using the prerelease and therefore updating
> > in case of bugs, I think we should have it. That said, I'm happy to use
> > and help in maintainting the prerelease expression.
> I will definitely be using it if it gets added. I'll try to help
> maintain it too, though I'm still figuring nix packaging out myself.
> Marc brings up an important point of deciding on an update frequency. I
> don't care about tracking upstream trunk too terribly closely; even
> updating every week or two would be plenty for me.

I'd take a pragmatic approach: use the most recent version when it's
added, updated if somebody feels like or something is broken that is
fixed with a newer version.

Florian Friesdorf <f...@chaoflow.net>
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