
On 10/10/2012 04:10 PM, Marc Weber wrote:
man configuration.nix

There is a system option 'extraKernelPackages' or such (boot section).

Why doesn't nix-env -i work? Because modprobe is a wrapper which is
passed a module directory which is assembled by nixos.
And that module directory is always represented by
/var/run/booted-system only (AFAIK) for good reasons.

The booted kernel should always match the modules available.
So maybe you even have to restart (or manually change such a symlink).

cat `which modprobe` should make you understand if you follow the
MDULE_DIR path to the store.

Yes, extraKernelPackages + kernelModules is the preferred way. Modprobing may also work if you specify somehow the absolute path.


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