hey there,

i've installed NixOS on my macbook air (with the help of cilian and
garbas). that worked fine some weeks ago.

but now, after upgrade to OSX mavericks, i cant boot into it anymore (i
use fedora at the moment, so i'm not hurt). it freezes at the
bootloader. it's an EFI setup. i was using rEFIt, but removed it as i
found out that i can choose the startup partition by holding down the
<alt> key while starting up.

i reinstalled NixOS (latest unstable minimal ISO from yesterday or the
day before. booting from SDCARD worked fine), followed advices and used
seperate vfat /boot partition, ext4 /root, EFI boot.
it still freezes after choosing the EFI boot partition from MacBooks
built-in bootloader.

relevant config options:

  boot.loader.grub.enable = false;
  boot.loader.gummiboot.enable = true;
  boot.loader.efi.canTouchEfiVariables = true;

any ideas?


programmatic  web development
di(fh) johannes raggam / thet
python plone zope development
plone framework  team  member
mail: off...@programmatic.pro
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