On 22/05/2014 11:22, Catonano wrote:
> Hello people,
> I'm getting my feet wet with nix installed in my home folder in a 
> Fedora box.
> I want to explore neo4j but it requires the Oracle java JDK that is 
> NOT the OpenJdk I commonly use on my machine.
> I was wondering if nix based tech could help me.
> I'd love to have neo4j installed in isolation from the rest of my 
> Fedora environment, with its own dependencies (even the Oracle thing).
> I'd use it to get acquainted with it
> Probably in a later step I'd snapshot/reproduce that combination of 
> packages/configuration in a virtual machine and later I could move the 
> thing on a cloud.
> Is this idea sane or did I completely equivocate the sense of nix ?
> I see in nixpkgs there's no neo4j package, so I suppose I should add 
> it myself.
That's exactly nix, yes. You define your own packages, your own jdk, 
your own neo4j, then build.
> How hard could it be ?
I personally haven't seen java packages with nix, sure you must start by 
looking at existing java packages in nix: 
Apparently, it's just:
1. Fetch jars
2. Put them in $out
No java compilation involved.

Then that's how you create appilcations requiring libraries:

Basically, you create a wrapper program that calls a particular java 
with some particular jar.
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