Hello Nix community,

As many of you know, for some time I have been working on packaging
KDE 5. Though it has taken much longer than I intended, and though
several KDE releases have gone by since I began, all the components of
KDE Frameworks 5.4 and Plasma 5.1.1 are packaged and built. So,
tonight (by my localtime, anyway) I created a kde5 branch in Nixpkgs
to share my work with you all. I hope that some brave souls among you
will help me find and squash the remaining bugs!

Currently, everything builds and the basic functionality of the Plasma
desktop is available. There is a basic NixOS module; to enable the
Plasma desktop, one need only set

services.xserver.desktopManager.plasma5.enable = true;

in configuration.nix, nixos-rebuild, and log in with the display
manager of your choice. You will get a desktop. (I hope.) Your
timezone will be wrong, but only in the system tray. (I'm working on
it.) Don't worry, the lock screen will have the right time! You won't
be able to change the cursor theme (working on that, too), but
everything else will be shiny, spiffy, and new.

(Installing and running Plasma 5 should not overwrite your KDE 4
configuration, but some of the executable names clash, so if you try
to run KDE 4 while Plasma 5 is installed, you will get some ungodly
mix of the two. Also, there are no KDE 5-based applications yet, so I
would recommend leaving KDE 4 installed as you test KDE 5.)

If you file a KDE 5 issue on our Github issue tracker, tag me,
@ttuegel, and I will do my best to respond. I've also never been known
to turn down a pull request. Or for some of you, just push it yourself

Thomas Tuegel
nix-dev mailing list

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