Hello, everybody.

I've found vim syntastic plugin complain about cannot parse ghc-mod output.

It should be like this,

$ ghc-mod
ghc-mod version 3.1.5
         ghc-mod list [-g GHC_opt1 -g GHC_opt2 ...] [-l] [-d]
         ghc-mod lang [-l]
         ghc-mod flag [-l]
         ghc-mod browse [-g GHC_opt1 -g GHC_opt2 ...] [-l] [-o] [-d] [-q] [-p 
package] <module> [<module> ...]
         ghc-mod check [-g GHC_opt1 -g GHC_opt2 ...] <HaskellFiles...>
         ghc-mod expand [-g GHC_opt1 -g GHC_opt2 ...] <HaskellFiles...>
         ghc-mod debug [-g GHC_opt1 -g GHC_opt2 ...] <HaskellFile>
         ghc-mod info [-g GHC_opt1 -g GHC_opt2 ...] <HaskellFile> <module> 
         ghc-mod type [-g GHC_opt1 -g GHC_opt2 ...] <HaskellFile> <module> 
<line-no> <column-no>
         ghc-mod lint [-h opt] <HaskellFile>
         ghc-mod boot
         ghc-mod help

  -l             --tolisp              print as a list of Lisp
  -h hlintOpt    --hlintOpt=hlintOpt   hlint options
  -g ghcOpt      --ghcOpt=ghcOpt       GHC options
  -o             --operators           print operators, too
  -d             --detailed            print detailed info
  -q             --qualified           show qualified names
  -p package-id  --package=package-id  specify package of module
  -b sep         --boundary=sep        specify line separator (default is Nul 

But current wrapped around version shows,

[nix-shell:~/cis194]$ ghc-mod
.ghc-mod-wrapped: No command given (try --help)


Is that intended or some disagreement between wrapper and ghc-mod?

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