Hi all! I just tried to install NixOS on my Raspberry Pi following the wiki
page (https://nixos.org/wiki/Raspberry_Pi). I think I got pretty close, but
not quite all the way. I wrote the image to an sd card, booted it up,
logged in as root, changed the nix-channel from unstable to 13.10, and
tried to upgrade with:

nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade

It gave an error about needing at least nix 1.7 to parse the current nix
expressions. I found the latest build and installed it following the
directions on the wiki (

nix-install-package --non-interactive --url

That appeared to work, but now when I rerun the upgrade command I get an
error from the perl interpreter:

[root@nixos:~]# nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade
/root/.nix-profile/bin/nix-channel: line 3: use: command not found
/root/.nix-profile/bin/nix-channel: line 4: use: command not found
/root/.nix-profile/bin/nix-channel: line 5: use: command not found
/root/.nix-profile/bin/nix-channel: line 6: syntax error near unexpected
token '('
/root/.nix-profile/bin/nix-channel: line 6: `use File::Path qw(mkpath);'

I tried moving /root/.nix-profile but the version in /nix/var/... that it
falls back on gives the same error. Do I need to manually find and install
some dependencies?
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