Hi all,

I'd like to start the discussion what should be part of of next stable
release. It's scheduled for the end of May. From the experience during last
stable release we need a month to get everything together for a confident
stable release.

That gives us a bit more than a month to merge any big changes.

I propose following major changes get merged into master during next period:

- Gnome 3.14 (3.16 was released yesterday)
- syslinux boot loader for usb images
- systemd 219 https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/6671
- set default kernel to 3.18 https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/6858

I'd really like to see "private store files" implemented for this release,
since it's the major drawback in our current package manager (after I've
talked to quite some people from community in the last year). See

If you'd like to include something in next stable release, please tag the
milestone on github and cc @domenkozar

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