I like logo-slant-half best. They're all good though!

On Mon, 24 Aug 2015 03:20:20 +0000
Luke Clifton <ltclif...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Tim,
> Nice work, I quite like the look of the 'hex' variations.
> Regards,
> Luke
> On Mon, 24 Aug 2015 at 13:14 Tim Cuthbertson <t...@gfxmonk.net> wrote:
> > Hello all,
> >
> > I'm a big fan of Nix / NixOS, but I've long felt that the logo could
> > do with a bit of work. So I toyed about a bit with inkscape, and came
> > up with a few ideas:
> >
> > https://github.com/gfxmonk/nixos-logo-ideas/tree/master/exports
> >
> > They mostly keep to the existing logo structure, but with some changes:
> >
> >  - Make the lines wider, and remove the rounded caps. The existing
> > logo feels too thin, as if it's made of lines rather than shapes. This
> > feels fragile, particularly when scaled down.
> >
> >  - Made the lambda structure more obvious. To be honest, it wasn't
> > until fairly recently that I noticed that the logo was made of
> > lambdas. I've added gaps between each one so they don't run into a
> > single shape as much. I've also added some subtle gradients at the top
> > of each, to turn it into more of a woven structure, rather than a
> > snowflake.
> >
> >  - Rotated the shape so that there's an upright lambda, and the shape
> > fits better into a restricted-height context (e.g a header bar).
> >
> > # Shape variants:
> >
> > "straight": More or less equivalent to the current logo, but with
> > straight (not rounded) edges
> >
> > "hex": Blockier in general, and gives the short foot of the lambda a
> > triangular edge. This aligns all outer points to a hexagon shape,
> > mirroring the inner hexagon.
> >
> > "slant": The lambdas in this one have a fatter head and thinner feet.
> > This makes the overall structure look more dynamic and organic, but
> > de-emphasizes the clean lambda shape somewhat. The shapes on this one
> > may need some tweaking, as the outer shape (made by the feet) still
> > seems a little disorganized still.
> >
> > # Highlight variants:
> >
> > "none": every lambda has the same shading
> >
> > "half": every second shape is darker (as in the current logo)
> >
> > "feature": the right-way-up lambda is the only darker shape. This
> > makes the repeating lambda structure more obvious, but obviously
> > affects symmetry.
> >
> > I haven't done too much experimentation with the colours, but feel
> > free to crack open the svgs (in the parent directory) and try whatever
> > you like.
> >
> > Let me know what you think!
> >
> > Cheers,
> >  - Tim.
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