2016/01/10 午前6:57 "Anderson Torres" <torres.anderson...@gmail.com>:
> Why not to unofficialize wiki? It can be hosted in a site like wikia,

IINM, Wikia only hosts fandom sites for things like movie franchises.

> with no official interference or support of NixOS staff.
> It would free some resources on official site and be better maintained.

Is it possible to archive the wiki? I would host it myself as a last
resort, although I don't necessarily have the bandwidth right now.

> Also, we can use Stack Exchange to answer questions, and the
> configurations files could be hosted on Github or Bitbucket.

People are already using stack exchange. Configuration files are already
hosted on Github and Bitbucket. The problem is that stuff is spread out all
over the net.

My primary concern with moving away from the wiki is creating a cathedral
model for writing documentation where we one had a bazaar. There should be
as little friction as possible, otherwise we'll be losing contributors.
People with English as a third or fourth language or newbies that just got
their new laptops running.

I just googled for "nixos contributing documentation" because I don't know
how to write docbook or which repo holds the docs.  only decent hits are on
the NixOS wiki! How will new people figure out how to contribute when the
wiki is gone?

I'm not satisfied until I see that new users can be brought onto the loop
with the new system. Maybe a comment section in the documentation that
expires with each major version, like with PHP? (You must admit, for such a
terrible language they have excellent documentation).
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