> On Feb 20, 2016, at 3:20 PM, Kosyrev Serge <_deepf...@feelingofgreen.ru> 
> wrote:
> Anthony Cowley <acow...@gmail.com> writes:
>> Bringing together what Thomas and Freddy say here, it seems to me that
>> a rather ideal mixture would be something unstructured like a wiki
>> with buttons for readers saying, "This helped me" or "This did not
>> work".
>> The point being that once a wiki item gets a handful of positive
>> votes, it gets turned into an Issue on the manual for someone with a
>> better understanding of how things are put together to find it a home.
> Anthony, this is an excellent idea that you have came up to!
> The question that immediately comes my mind is -- what "this" would mean?
> A section? A paragraph? Something even more structured?
> ..and then there is this perpetually simple matter of programming
> to make it happen..
> -- 
> с уважениeм / respectfully,
> Косырев Сергей

I was imagining feedback attached to section headings. They could perhaps be 
buttons inserted with CSS/JS or something tied more into the wiki engine. The 
links could ping a counter running as a separate web service with what 
page/section they are associated with.

I think the feedback mechanism should be as simple as a Reddit upvote since any 
impact it has will be mediated by an expert reviewer who will use their 
judgment to determine what valuable nuggets should be promoted to the manual.

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