>> The installer, when run, will fetch more code for users to blindly
>> execute (as most of that code will be provided in compiled form). How
>> is blindly running an installer worse than running other code from
>> the same provider?
> Simply put the shasum of your installer on the website and ask the
> user to verify. That is what many projets do, and it's a three lines
> of installation instead of one.

And just because the installer is a problem doesn't mean the binary
packages couldn't also be a problem.

>>> PS. There are ways of detecthing when something is piped straight to an
>>> interpreter and thus even if someone did curl and read the output and
>>> then curled into a shell they could still get infected as serving
>>> different pages depending on the circumstances isn't all that
>>> difficult.
>> This assumes https://nixos.org is already malicious - and then you shouldn't 
>> run *anything* that comes from there.
> The problem is not *ONLY* nixos.org.
> Depending of your country and your environment, TLS / HTTPS alone is not
> anymore a protocol that you can trust blindly
> - https://blog.filippo.io/untrusting-an-intermediate-ca-on-os-x/
> - 
> https://yro.slashdot.org/story/15/12/08/1451239/in-kazakhstan-the-internet-backdoors-you
> - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP_Public_Key_Pinning
> But without even considering that, "curl-pipe-bash" will cause your
> sysadmin to blow a fuse or heartbreak in most companies / environments.
> And for very good reasons.
> Transforming this into a three lines installation script with a simple
> "sha256sum -c " verification would not make users run away and would
> make the project look more professional.

sha256sum won't be much use if you don't also sign the sums. Of course
you could also just detachsign the scripts as well.

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