Hi Teo,

My previous email is too long and being considered for moderation by the
nix-dev mailing list.

I forgot to also include the files based on your code.  This is where the
build fails:
./mancloud-play-wrapper.nix:37:17 - the script line of the systemd.service

*mancloud-play-wrapper.nix* is the wrapper script from your deployment

{ stdenv, writeText, writeScript, makeWrapper
, bash
, mancloud-play
, port
, lib
, useRecaptcha ? false
, recaptchaSiteKey ? null
, recaptchaSecretKey ? null
, reverseProxyIp ? null

assert useRecaptcha -> (recaptchaSiteKey != null && recaptchaSecretKey != null);

  configFile = writeText "mancloud-play.conf"
      include "application.conf"
      ${lib.optionalString (reverseProxyIp != null)
"play.http.forwarded.trustedProxies += ['${reverseProxyIp}']"}
      ${lib.optionalString useRecaptcha
          captcha {
            provider = "recaptcha"
            recaptcha {
              siteKey = ${recaptchaSiteKey}
              secretKey = ${recaptchaSecretKey}
in {
  systemd.services = {
    mancloud-play = {
      wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
      requires = [ ];
      after = [ "network.target" ];
      script = "exec ${mancloud-play}/bin/mancloud-play
-Dconfig.file=${configFile} -Dhttp.port=${toString port}";

*mancloud-play-package.nix* contains your packaging code

with import <nixpkgs> {};
  pidFile ? "/dev/null"
, devMode ? false
, extraConfig ? ""

assert (builtins.isBool devMode);

  localDevConfig = ./conf/local.conf;
  generatedConfig = writeText "mancloud-play.conf" ''
    ${builtins.optionalString devMode "include \"local.dev.conf\""}


stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
  name= "mancloud-play";
  src = ./src/play.mancloud.eu;
  buildInputs = [ jre jdk sbt makeWrapper ];
  configurePhase =
      ${builtins.optionalString devMode "cp ${localDevConfig}
      ln -s ${generatedConfig} conf/local.conf
      sbt playUpdateSecret
  buildPhase = "sbt stage";
  installPhase =
      cp -r target/universal/stage $out
      wrapProgram $out/bin/mancloud-play \
        --set JAVA_HOME ${jre} \
        --suffix PATH : "${gawk}/bin" \
        --add-flags \
      mkdir -p $out/etc
      cat >$out/etc/process_config <<EOF
  dontStrip = true;
  preFixup = "rm -rf $out/share/doc";

On Wed, Jul 6, 2016 at 5:10 PM 4levels <4lev...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Teo,
> I knew I was getting off course with my conclusions, thanks for clarifying
> this!
> I'll try to give you an overview, I don't mind adding you to our private
> Bitbucket repo if you'd like to see all files and folders.
> I still don't know where I should add the statements to have the play
> project deployed.  All I have for now is the project's directory in a
> subfolder, src/play.mancloud.eu
> I still have many questions regarding nixo(p)s internals:
> - how does the sequence of the nixops modify files matter?
> - when to use with *import <nixpkgs>;* or *{ stdenv, lib, config, pkgs,
> ... }:* and what are the differences
> - ..
> I'll try to give you an explanation of how the deploy scripts are composed
> below.  There's still a lot of room for improvements and regrouping of
> statements as I'm still a nix beginner..
> *nixops info* output
> Nix expressions: vultr.nix defaults-local.nix defaults.nix
> servers-local.nix keys-vm01.nix platform-local.nix
> *vultr.nix* contains Vultr specifics + the collectd setup
> {
>   defaults = {
>     deployment = {
>       targetEnv = "none";
>     };
>     fileSystems."/" =
>     {
>       device = "/dev/vda1";
>       options = [ "noatime" "nodiratime" "discard" ];
>     };
>     swapDevices = [
>       {
>         device = "/dev/vda2";
>       }
>     ];
>     boot.initrd.availableKernelModules = [ "ata_piix" "uhci_hcd" "virtio_pci" 
> "virtio_blk" ];
>     boot.loader.grub.enable = true;
>     boot.loader.grub.version = 2;
>     boot.loader.grub.device = "/dev/vda";
>     services.collectd.extraConfig = ''
> <Plugin df>
>   Device "/dev/vda1"
>   MountPoint "/"
> </Plugin>
> <Plugin interface>
>     Interface "enp0s3"
>     IgnoreSelected false
> </Plugin>
>     '';
>   };
> }
> *defaults-local.nix* contains some tweaks for my local vm as well as the
> copied call to parsets (which I renamed to mancloud-play)
> with import <nixpkgs>;
> {
>   defaults =
>   { stdenv, lib, config, pkgs, ... }:
>   let
>     wrapper = pkgs.callPackage ./mancloud-play-wrapper.nix {
>       mancloud-play = import ./mancloud-play-package.nix;
>       port = 9000;
>     };
>   in
>   {
>     programs.bash.promptInit = ''
>       # Provide a nice prompt if the terminal supports it.
>       if [ "$TERM" != "dumb" -o -n "$INSIDE_EMACS" ]; then
>         PROMPT_COLOR="1;34m"
>         let $UID && PROMPT_COLOR="1;34m"
>         PS1="\n\[\033[$PROMPT_COLOR\][\u@\h:\w]\\$\[\033[0m\] "
>         if test "$TERM" = "xterm"; then
>           PS1="\[\033]3;\h:\u:\w\007\]$PS1"
>         fi
>       fi
>     '';
>     systemd.services = {
>       inherit (wrapper.systemd.services) mancloud-play;
>     };
>   };
> }
> *defaults.nix* contains quite some services (key deployments, hostfile
> generation based on active projects, the mancloud (PHP) package, PHP-FPM
> tweaks and an alert service to monitor our queues, users, nginx, mysql,
> collectd, fail2ban, ..  I've removed quite some config as this file is
> currently 540 lines long
> with import <nixpkgs/lib>;
> {
>   defaults =
>   { config, pkgs, lib, nodes, ... }:
>   let
>       serverKeys = keys:
>         lib.genAttrs keys (n:
>               {
>                 text = lib.removeSuffix "\n" (builtins.readFile (./keys + 
> "/${builtins.replaceStrings ["@"] ["-"] n}") );
>                 group = "keys";
>                 permissions = "0640";
>               }
>         )
>       ;
>       ....
>   in
>   {
>     deployment.keys = serverKeys [
>       "mancloud.amazon.iam.key_id"
>       "mancloud.amazon.iam.access_key"
>       "mancloud.amazon.iam.passphrase"
>       "mancloud._test.password"
>       "phpmyadmin.password"
>       "phpmyadmin.secret"
>     ];
>     environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [
>       wget
>       unzip
>       gitMinimal
>       tmux
>       mariadb
>       php
>       duplicity
>       nodejs
>       redis
>       phpPackages.composer
>       phpPackages.redis
>       letsencrypt
>     ];
>     ....
>   };
> }
> *servers-local.nix* contains the specific machine declarations (locally 1
> machine vm01) like ssl config, nfs mounts, libvirt related network config
> and some overrides from the defaults (stiil some reorganisation needed).
> It imports the extra service configuration (here diem-service.nix)
> with import <nixpkgs/lib>;
> let
>   sslCert = ./src/ssl-cert.pem;
>   sslKey = ./src/ssl-key.pem;
>   sslCA = ./src/ssl-ca.pem;
>   sslDHParam = ./src/ssl-dhparam.pem;
>   nginxSslConfig = ''
>     ${builtins.readFile ./src/nginx-ssl.conf}
>     ssl_certificate      ${sslCert};
>     ssl_certificate_key  ${sslKey};
>     ssl_trusted_certificate ${sslCA};
>     ssl_dhparam ${sslDHParam};
>   '';
> in
> {
>   vm01 =
>     { config, pkgs, nodes, ... }:
>     {
>       imports = [ ./diem-service.nix ];
>       deployment = {
>         targetHost = "";
>       };
>       environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [
>         strace
>         gitAndTools.git-crypt
>       ];
>       services.mysql.enable = true;
>       networking.hostName = "vm01"; # Define your hostname.
>       networking.enableIPv6 = false;
>       networking.extraHosts = " d01 d01.local";
>       networking.interfaces = {
>         enp0s3 = {
>           ip4 = [ { address = ""; prefixLength = 24; } ];
>         };
>         enp0s9 = {
>           ip4 = [ { address = ""; prefixLength = 24; } ];
>         };
>       };
>       networking.nameservers = [ "" ];
>       networking.defaultGateway = "";
>       networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 22 80 443 9000 ];
>       fileSystems."/data/dev" = {
>         device = "d01:/data/dev";
>         fsType = "nfs";
>         options = [ "defaults" "noatime" "nolock" "noacl" ];
>       };
>       services.collectd.enable = false;
>       services.nginx = {
>         httpConfig = ''
>         # phpmyadmin
>         server {
>           listen 443 ssl spdy;
>           server_name
>             pma-local.mancloud.eu
>           ;
>           allow;
>           allow;
>           allow;
>           allow;
>           deny all;
>           ${nginxSslConfig}
>           root ${import ./phpmyadmin-package.nix};
>           access_log '/tmp/pma-access.log';
>           error_log '/tmp/pma-error.log' debug;
>           location ~ "^(.+\.php)($|/)" {
>             include ${pkgs.nginx}/conf/mime.types;
>             ${builtins.readFile ./src/nginx-php-config.conf}
>           }
>           location / {
>             include ${pkgs.nginx}/conf/mime.types;
>             ${builtins.readFile ./src/nginx-rewrite.conf}
>           }
>         }
>         '';
>       };
>     };
> }
> *diem-service.nix* contains the configuration for diem (PHP Symfony based
> CMF) and is quite large as well (+500 lines).  I removed less relevant parts
> { config, lib, pkgs, nodes, ... }:
> let
>   cfg = config.services.diem;
>   serviceDir = "/var/www";
>   systemdService = name: value:
>     {
>       name = "diem-${name}";
>       value = {
>         description = "Diem ${name} service";
>         wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" "nginx.target" ];
>         after = [ "keys.target" "network.target" "mysql.target" ] ++
> lib.mapAttrsToList (n: v:
>           "diem-${n}.service"
>         ) (lib.filterAttrs (n: v: n < name) cfg.platforms);
>         requires = [ "keys.target" "network.target" "mysql.target" ] ++
> lib.mapAttrsToList (n: v:
>           "diem-${n}.service"
>         ) (lib.filterAttrs (n: v: n < name) cfg.platforms);
>         environment = {
>           inherit (config.environment.variables) SSL_CERT_FILE;
>         };
>         serviceConfig.ExecStart = "${serviceDir}/${name}/nixSetup.sh";
>       };
>     };
>   serverActivation = value:
>     lib.concatStrings (lib.mapAttrsToList(n: v:
>       if (lib.isAttrs(v) && lib.hasAttr("platform") v) then
>         "${packageActivation n v};"
>       else ""
>       ) value
>     );
>   packageActivation = name: value:
>     {
>       name = "diem-${name}";
>       value =
>         ''
>           # create / symlink project dirs
>           mkdir -p ${serviceDir}/${name}
>           mkdir -p
> ${serviceDir}/${name}/{cache/dm,config/dm,data/backup/db,data/backup/uploads,data/restore/db,data/restore/uploads,data/dm/i18n,data/exports,log,web/uploads}
>           # letsEncrypt script
>           cp ${pkgs.writeText "letsEncrypt.sh" "${letsEncrypt name value}"
> } ${serviceDir}/${name}/letsEncrypt.sh
>           chmod +x ${serviceDir}/${name}/letsEncrypt.sh
>           # nixSetup script
>           cp ${pkgs.writeText "nixSetup.sh" "${nixSetup name value}" }
> ${serviceDir}/${name}/nixSetup.sh
>           chmod +x ${serviceDir}/${name}/nixSetup.sh
>           # s3Backup script
>           cp ${pkgs.writeText "s3Backup.sh" "${s3Backup name}" }
> ${serviceDir}/${name}/s3Backup.sh
>           chmod +x ${serviceDir}/${name}/s3Backup.sh
>         '';
>     };
>   diem = (import ./diem-package.nix);
>   ...
> in
> with lib;
> {
>   options = {
>     services.diem = {
>       platforms = mkOption {
>         default = {};
>         example = {
>           test = {
>             database = {
>               password = "foopass";
>             };
>             timezone = "Europe/Brussels";
>           };
>         };
>       };
>     };
>   };
>   config = mkIf (cfg.platforms != {}) {
>     system.activationScripts = mapAttrs' packageActivation cfg.platforms;
>     systemd.services = mapAttrs' systemdService cfg.platforms // timers
> cfg.platforms;
>   };
> }
> *diem-package.nix* contains the packaging statements, read from a github
> repo
> with import <nixpkgs> {};
> pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
>   name = "diem-1.0.0";
>   src = pkgs.fetchgit {
>     url = "https://github.com/diem-project/diem.git";;
>     rev = "refs/heads/master";
>     sha256 = "11scd9z7h91bd242gvy0grnlx75d25ckx1k0k3qvz74p55f1kww7";
>   };
>   buildPhase = "true";
>   installPhase =
>     ''
>       mkdir -p $out
>       cp -r * $out
>     '';
> }
> *keys-vm01.nix* contains the inclusions of the configuration keys and
> other sensitive data for this host
> {
>   vm01 =
>     { config, pkgs, lib, ... }:
>     let
>       serverKeys = keys:
>         lib.genAttrs keys (n:
>           {
>             text = lib.removeSuffix "\n" (builtins.readFile (./keys/vm01 + 
> "/${builtins.replaceStrings ["@"] ["-"] n}") );
>             group = "keys";
>             permissions = "0640";
>           }
>         )
>       ;
>     in
>     {
>       deployment.keys = serverKeys [
>         "diem.project.database.password"
>         "diem.project.encryption.cipher"
>         "diem.project.encryption.key"
>         ...
>       ];
>     };
> }
> platform-local.nix contains the project definitions per server
> with import <nixpkgs/lib>;
> {
>   vm01 =
>     { config, pkgs, ... }:
>     {
>       services.diem.platforms = {
>         project = {
>           domain = "local.project";
>           path = "/data/dev/projects/project";
>         };
>       };
>       ...
>     };
> }
> Kind regards and thank you again for your willing and friendly attitude!
> Erik
> On Wed, Jul 6, 2016 at 5:41 AM Teo Klestrup Röijezon <t...@nullable.se>
> wrote:
>> HI Erik,
>> That's pretty much entirely wrong. :P ParseTS is just a linter script for
>> the game scripting language TorqueScript. ParseTS-Playground was a pastebin
>> that would run the submitted code through the linter. For example, see
>> https://parsets-playground.nullable.se/snippets/13. The datastore used
>> was PostgreSQL.
>> Anyway, apart from the ParseTS stuff, at least those scripts should be
>> pretty much straightforward to copy to any Play application, though for the
>> config stuff to work you'll need to add the line 'include "local.conf"' to
>> your conf/application.conf.
>> Any chance you could post your current setup and the errors you get?
>> // Teo
>> On 6 July 2016 at 04:31, 4levels <4lev...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Teo,
>>> I've come quite far in setting up things, but I keep running into
>>> building errors.
>>> It has everything to do with me removing all references to parsets and
>>> postgres and renaming things here and there, trying to merge them with the
>>> current deploy setup.
>>> Do I understand correctly that parsets is a library to store data, using
>>> postgres in the background?  I'd like to start using Event Sourcing with
>>> Scala / Akka so I don't need a datastore like parsets, correct?  I'm very
>>> unsure about this as I literally started today with learning Scala / Play.
>>> I got my toes wet with Java before but that's really it.
>>> Something else I found interesting as I'm quite an Nginx fan and have
>>> nginx running with proxies already: Nginx has capabilities to deal with
>>> Java in different ways, as proxy or tied with eg Clojure for even faster
>>> results..
>>> The journey continues ;-)
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Erik
>>> On Tue, Jul 5, 2016 at 10:23 PM 4levels <4lev...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Teo,
>>>> Thank you for your explanation and quick qualitative response!
>>>> I'll be looking at your code asap and report back with my experiences
>>>> ;-)
>>>> Kind regards,
>>>> Erik
>>>> On Tue, Jul 5, 2016, 22:08 Teo Klestrup Röijezon <t...@nullable.se>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> A JRE should be enough for running it, but you need sbt and a JDK for
>>>>> building. I've got a derivation for a Play website at
>>>>> https://github.com/BlocklandGlass/ParseTS-Playground/blob/master/parsets-playground.nix,
>>>>> with the NixOS/NixOps setup at
>>>>> https://github.com/BlocklandGlass/ParseTS-Playground/tree/master/deployment
>>>>> .
>>>>> The gist of it is to run "sbt stage" in the build phase, and to then
>>>>> take "target/universal/stage" as your build output. However, you'll also
>>>>> need to wrap the launcher script to add your JRE and to add gawk (which 
>>>>> the
>>>>> launcher script requires). Finally, on any modern system (such as NixOS)
>>>>> you'll also want to disable Play's PID file management, since systemd 
>>>>> takes
>>>>> care of that anyway. I didn't in that script, but you'll probably also 
>>>>> want
>>>>> to add a testing phase as part of the build.
>>>>> The big drawback with this approach is that SBT downloads all
>>>>> dependencies from the internet on demand, which won't work on a Nix setup
>>>>> with proper isolation (ideally, builds should only have network access if
>>>>> they deterministically produce a given hash).
>>>>> I've been toying with the idea of writing a sbt2nix SBT plugin that
>>>>> generates Nix definitions to build a local maven mirror for the
>>>>> dependencies, but I haven't got around to that (yet).
>>>>> // Teo
>>>>> On 5 July 2016 at 21:52, 4levels <4lev...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Nix-devs,
>>>>>> This is a plain request for assistance / best practices for using
>>>>>> Nixos with Java / Scala / Play.  Akka with EventSourcing are also a topic
>>>>>> of interest.
>>>>>> I'm currently trying to get a Scala Play app up and running on my
>>>>>> nixOps deployed machines.  As I'm very unfamiliar with running Java based
>>>>>> apps, I'd like to know if someone has experience on the common pitfalls 
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> tips on keeping the servers healthy (I just caused my laptop's 8 cores to
>>>>>> go 100% without being able to stop the server started by the activator
>>>>>> call).
>>>>>> I've seen some related packages in nixpkgs and have many questions
>>>>>> like eg. do I need sbt (which seems to provide typesafe - activator) and 
>>>>>> a
>>>>>> jdk on the production servers or are is a jre sufficient? How do I deploy
>>>>>> and run a Java app developed locally?
>>>>>> And how do I set-up a local nixos vm for Java development?
>>>>>> I'm still investigating and learning a lot myself, so nix-related
>>>>>> knowledge is my main concern here (as I need to figure out the rest 
>>>>>> myself
>>>>>> anyway ;-)
>>>>>> I'll be happy to share my findings and configuration / setup..
>>>>>> Kind regards,
>>>>>> Erik
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