On 07/08/2016 12:56 PM, Azul wrote:
> My question, is has anyone done this ?

I'm not aware, but that doesn't mean much.

> would a silly url like http://artifactory/remote_nix/file_paths
> invalidate the hydra cache and force all packages to be built locally ?

Changing cache.nixos.org to something else is fairly simple config
change, I think, and it certainly won't change package hashes or cause
rebuilds (moving /nix/store would do so).

From my superficial view it might be easiest to teach the proxy to allow
URLs like https://cache.nixos.org (probed for binaries) and
http://tarballs.nixos.org (probed for sources if binaries aren't
available), but you can "provide your own mirror" for selected packages.

Changing tarballs.nixos.org to another URL isn't configurable, but it's
a one-line nixpkgs source change, so probably not a blocker for you, and
I assume you'll want to provide only binaries anyway without building
from sources.


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