schneefux <> writes:

>> I am using 16.09 but have serious problems getting owncloud running,
>> first I find it irritating that only postgresql is supportet but ok I
>> can accept that at least for now.
> here is how I use it with Let's encrypt, nginx and uwsgi:
> I hope that helps.
> ~ schneefux


yes I like it, yesterday I self-signed it for me manualy, on my pc just
to play with it, I use it internaly only on my machine anyway ( cant
replace the stupid cablerouter from my provider, last time I tried I had
4 days no internet. And there portforwarding is a nightmare dslite or
something and a shitty firmware.

But its for somebody else where I need ssl. And it would be good if that
part would work without doing stuff manualy and it would be basicly stateless
(more or less).

Is that ssl stuff you do stateless? or is that even possible with ssl?
You dont use the usual lets-encrypt script, its in nixos as package, too
I belive, but you do that manualy? Or do you not even request a cert?

Sorry I am a bit of a ssl noob, got it 1 2x somehow running but makes
not much sense to me :) ssh is much more easy to use than this, and I
think its primary pitched to the needs of coorporations, not so much for
normal users that want a small server, where compression is the primary
purpose instead of identity proof.

I mean why dont we do that then with ssh, why do we blindly trust that
we connect to the right host, spoofing would be possible there to?

Well whatever, webserver configuration sucks, I should not wonder if
nixos cant dumb that down so that you add some lines of code and then
nixos-rebuild switch just does everything automaticly, including the
cert part.

Or does your solution do that?

Sorry maybe I got a bit OT, just no real fan of the current web
architecture, would prefer protocols like nntp and imap with client
based keybindings / ui for webstuff over html/js/css stuff, but I guess
for imap you have the same ssl problems :)

funny enough you can still send from as example a google server over
telnet a mail with a sender mail from somebody else at least that worked
last time I checked.

But hell I get even more OT now.

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