
I seem to be doing something different from all the comments, so I
though I'd share.

Firstly, I maintain a huge number of machines from a single place and
run many builds at once (and switch between nixpkgs branches a lot), so
all the symlinking doesn't cut it.

Secondly, I don't use nixops, because my configs require more flex
(nixops `hardware/software` split doesn't cut it for me, I use
`hardware/network-env/software/temp-stuff` configs for machines and
manage most of that through environment variables).

Thirdly, I don't ever use `nixos-rebuild`, because most of the time I
produce derivations locally on a laptop and then push builds to other
machines near the machines the results belong to (which `nixos-rebuild`
can't do, AFAIK). Most of the time I don't even trust those machines
enough to send all of my nix files to them. Managing subsets of files to
rsync/branches to git-push to various hosts is painful. So I just store
everything in a central place and only push derivations around.

For instance, say, I'm Elon Musk, and I have `slow-pc` machine near
`fast-build-cluster` on Mars and I want to update `slow-pc`'s software,
but I don't trust any of the two machines not to be hijacked by aliens
with (general) quantum computers that would break my public keys used
for my machines on Earth if they got their hands on key material. That,
of course, assumes aliens haven't hijacked (or got in bed with enough
people from) NSA/FiveEyes yet and can't sniff my pubkeys from undersea
cables here on Earth (or maybe I decided to spend some more billions for
the future of Humanity and build my own
non-compromised-by-government-for-your-money Internet infrastructure).
Anyway, I trust my skills not to leak keys in unrelated derivations/not
paranoid enough to setup completely separate repo for machines on Mars.

With my build.sh script I do

  $ build.sh machine.slow-pc --on fast-build-cluster.on.mars --for 
slow-pc.on.mars --and-then switch

and go back to worrying about Earthly matters.

Actually, most of the time I do
  $ build.sh machine.slow-pc --on fast-build-cluster.on.mars --tmux

and then detach from tmux, go for a walk, attach back, and only then run
the previous command, if everything seems fine. The script can be
enhanced in that regard, I know, but I'm lazy.

Some other uses:

* Rebuild laptop's config on a trusted host near me

  $ build.sh machine.me --on trusted-fast-build-cluster.near.me --for . 
--and-then boot

* Build manpages for the machine

  $ build.sh doc.slow-pc 

* Build /etc

  $ build.sh etc.slow-pc 

* Build package `qemu` with overrides from `slow-pc`s config

  $ build.sh mpackage.slow-pc.qemu

* Just a wrapper around the usual `nix-build -A qemu`

  $ build.sh package.qemu

See attachments for the scripts and patches to nixpkgs required (I hope
I haven't forgot anything, my private branch is >200 commits atm).

As to the NixOS configs I use a combination of nixos and nixops
approaches: each machine has its own `machine/<name>.nix` root which
requires all the common things, including my own `modules` that threat
`nixos/modules` as `nixos/modules` treat nixpkgs.

I.e. I have my own set of NixOS subtrees of options. E.g.

  oxij.role.mailer = {
    enable = true;
    parent = "some-host.near.me";

in `machine/<name>.nix configures postfix/dovecot/spam filter/etc in a
single go.

For instance, config of my machine looks like this:

  # Some special snow-flaking
  oxij.hardware.me = true;
  oxij.hardware.xen = true;

  # This adds users used on all home machines with relevant pubkeys,
  # sets up network config, configures the use of common tor/i2p
  # instances on home gateway (so that traffic from different machines
  # won't be distinguishable from outside and to use other machines for
  # cover traffic) and so on.
  # This module actually pattern matches on hostname inside to disable
  # access to some users on some machines (but add this users anyway so
  # that `ls` would print names instead of ids).
  oxij.location.home = true;

  # Special user for giving public presentations and stuff. Privacy
  # matters, right?
  oxij.location.public = true;

  # developers! Developers! DEVELOPERS!
  oxij.role.dev.all = true;
  oxij.role.dev.js = mkForce false;
  oxij.role.tex = true;
  oxij.role.emacs = true;
  oxij.role.xmonad = true;
  oxij.role.desktop = true;

Also, I allow overriding much of the stuff with environment variables
(unlike nixops) instead of using separate files for every singe build

For instance, my machine has several other modes of operation, e.g.

  $ MACHINE_PROFILE=roaming build.sh machine.me


  # Build our own tor/i2p routers and provide no external ssh access for
  # "out of home" experience
  oxij.location.home = mkForce false;
  oxij.location.work = mkForce false;
  oxij.location.roaming = true;


  $ MACHINE_PROFILE=work build.sh machine.me


  # Like roaming, but configure some work stuff
  oxij.location.home = mkForce false;
  oxij.location.roaming = true;
  oxij.location.work = true;

Some other common roles:


Finally, I have another set of options that declares who is expected use
the machine (me, family, someone else) and who is expected to service it
in case there's an emergency an I'm not available. This influences
initial passwords, locales and keyboard layouts in X11 and tty (people
get confused with non-standard stuff, and I can't live without it).

At the time of writing I have ~800K of such modules and configs (they
include some that are normally done with dotfiles, though, as I love to
feel at home right after new install).

Speaking of installs, I actually use my own hacky patched nixos-install,
because usually I install like this:

* write new machine's expression on laptop, start building it somewhere
  near to target
* boot the installer on the target, generate hardware-config.nix and
  lsmod and copy it over to my laptop
* make hardware fixes in config, cancel previous build, start new build
* partition disks and such
* wait for build to finish
* run my nixos-install that installs by copying closure from a remote

I someone implements that proper instead of my normal routine:

* I build two closures: minimal one, so that it fit into memory on
  target, and actual one

* Copy the minimal closure to target (onto unionfs with tmpfs)

* Use patched nixos-install the minimal closure (disables binary caches,
  I'm paranoid) to install from closure (yes, it can do that if you ask
  it nicely, read the source, AFAIK its not documented).

* Reboot.

* Copy actual closure to HDD. Switch, reboot to check it will boot the
  next time.

Having a means to install-from-remote-closure would be nice, but I don't
install new machines often enough to bother implementing that myself.

Also, lately I'm thinking I need to start using multiple *shared git
clones* of nixpkgs, because switching branches all the time got painful
enough to bother.


Attachment: signature.asc
Description: PGP signature

>From 454bb1d68d29efa8f180be0621b178ef9ee6a34d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jan Malakhovski <o...@oxij.org>
Date: Sat, 6 Aug 2016 19:49:36 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 01/52] Revert "Remove $NIXOS_LABEL and $NIXOS_VERSION"

This reverts commit 2a05368ff3217175cd87105e778e2e70bc7eef1c.
 nixos/modules/misc/version.nix | 23 +++++++++++++++++++----
 1 file changed, 19 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/nixos/modules/misc/version.nix b/nixos/modules/misc/version.nix
index 315c33a462..0cbf466500 100644
--- a/nixos/modules/misc/version.nix
+++ b/nixos/modules/misc/version.nix
@@ -35,8 +35,23 @@ in
     nixosLabel = mkOption {
       type = types.str;
       description = ''
-        Label to be used in the names of generated outputs and boot
-        labels.
+        NixOS version name to be used in the names of generated
+        outputs and boot labels.
+        If you ever wanted to influence the labels in your GRUB menu,
+        this is option is for you.
+        Can be set directly or with <envar>NIXOS_LABEL</envar>
+        environment variable for <command>nixos-rebuild</command>,
+        e.g.:
+        <screen>
+        #!/bin/sh
+        today=`date +%Y%m%d`
+        branch=`(cd nixpkgs ; git branch 2>/dev/null | sed -n '/^\* / { s|^\* ||; p; }')`
+        revision=`(cd nixpkgs ; git rev-parse HEAD)`
+        export NIXOS_LABEL="$today.$branch-''${revision:0:7}"
+        nixos-rebuild switch</screen>
@@ -89,8 +104,8 @@ in
     system = {
       # These defaults are set here rather than up there so that
       # changing them would not rebuild the manual
-      nixosLabel   = mkDefault cfg.nixosVersion;
-      nixosVersion = mkDefault (cfg.nixosRelease + cfg.nixosVersionSuffix);
+      nixosLabel   = mkDefault (maybeEnv "NIXOS_LABEL" cfg.nixosVersion);
+      nixosVersion = mkDefault (maybeEnv "NIXOS_VERSION" (cfg.nixosRelease + cfg.nixosVersionSuffix));
       nixosRevision      = mkIf (pathIsDirectory gitRepo) (mkDefault            gitCommitId);
       nixosVersionSuffix = mkIf (pathIsDirectory gitRepo) (mkDefault (".git." + gitCommitId));

>From bc4364a58f7d88b48ff875a0061162329205dc49 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jan Malakhovski <o...@oxij.org>
Date: Thu, 17 Nov 2016 11:53:51 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] nixos: export packages of the current configuration (its `pkgs` argument)

Allows one to access a package configured with overrides given in `nixpkgs.config`, e.g.:

nix-build ./nixos/default.nix -A pkgs.ffmpeg
 nixos/default.nix | 6 ++----
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/nixos/default.nix b/nixos/default.nix
index 5f3e2ae081..4d1da4838e 100644
--- a/nixos/default.nix
+++ b/nixos/default.nix
@@ -9,8 +9,6 @@ let
     modules = [ configuration ];
-  inherit (eval) pkgs;
   # This is for `nixos-rebuild build-vm'.
   vmConfig = (import ./lib/eval-config.nix {
     inherit system;
@@ -30,7 +28,7 @@ let
-  inherit (eval) config options;
+  inherit (eval) pkgs config options;
   system = eval.config.system.build.toplevel;
@@ -39,5 +37,5 @@ in
   vmWithBootLoader = vmWithBootLoaderConfig.system.build.vm;
   # The following are used by nixos-rebuild.
-  nixFallback = pkgs.nixUnstable.out;
+  nixFallback = eval.pkgs.nixUnstable.out;

Attachment: build.sh
Description: Bourne shell script

Attachment: git-curbranch
Description: Binary data

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