Jan Malakhovski (The ephemeral self-proclaimed Pope of SLNOS)
<o...@oxij.org> writes:

> * Our common goal is to have fun (see below) and to get a NixOS system
>   that can run using only suckless tools [1].

which is a subject oppinion, which tools does suck and which not.

> * Some of us want to drop GRUB in favor of running on top of minimal
>   Xen payload on Coreboot firmware and isolate everything like in
>   QubesOS,

So you want to have a distro not only for the 2% linux users but only
for the 1% pc that run with coreboot, I am very optimistic that you will
get much contribution and feedback :)

> * We like LISP, but we don't think package expressions should be written
>   in LISP just for the sake of LISP. Nor do we like the bloated GNU
>   tools. GuixSD is out of question.

And why is it for the sake of lisp? Have you proof that guixsd chose
lisp just because of lisp despite some disadvantages? What are the
disadvantages of lisp package expressions?

Blooted GNU tools? So you like the horrible inferior tools that come
with android? its always good if software has less features?

But thanks for the post, made me laugh.

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