Hi fellow Nix enthusiasts,

I'm trying to install Nixos on a ZFS root filesystem which in turn resides in an encrypted volume (using LUKS). I already succeeded in a minimal ZFS install on an unencrypted partition, and I also succeeded in installing in an encrypted LUKS volume with ext4 as root fs. But with the combination I get errors during stage 1; the zpool that contains the root dataset cannot be imported. This occurs after I enter the correct LUKS passphrase. This made me question if this is at all possible (it should, shouldn't it?). Could some of you please take a look? I documented most of it in the gist here: https://gist.github.com/awesomefireduck/ffea6517042af87b8b7ef6ea1c7d50e3 . If you need more information I'd be happy to supply it.

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