On Thu, Jul 06, 2017 at 06:35:15PM +0200, Harmen via nix-dev wrote:
> Hello all,
> another day, another problem :/
> I'm trying to figure out why a build generates different build IDs in 
> different
> contexts.
> I have a nix expression and some code. If I copy that from machine A
> to machine B they both give the same build hash. All's fine there.
> If on machine B I run nix-build in a docker container it won't give the same
> build hash.
> `nix-hash .` gives the same hash for B and B-docker. Same nix version, same
> nixpkgs version.

I'm getting a bit further, and it worked on different machines because I
happened to name the directory the same on both machines. Seems like the name
of the directory is used in the build process. As long as I checkout the repo
in a subdir with the same name everything is fine. If I rename the checkout dir
nix will rebuild. This my current default.nix:

    <some nixpkgs stuff>
    with pkgs; buildGoPackage rec {
      name = "mypackage";
      src = builtins.filterSource
       (name: type:
         (lib.hasPrefix (toString ./vendor) name) ||
         (lib.hasPrefix (toString ./rzutil) name) ||
         (lib.hasPrefix (toString ./util) name) ||
         (lib.hasPrefix (toString ./datatype) name) ||
         (lib.hasPrefix (toString ./one) name)
       ) ./.;

      goPackagePath = "example.com/mypackage";

      meta = with stdenv.lib; {
        description = "My First Package";
        homepage = https://github.com/example-com/mypackage;
        platforms = platforms.unix;

If I do the checkout in /tmp/fooo part of the .drv gives:


Does that makes sense? Did I forget a 'name' somewhere?


> Any hints what to look for?
> Thanks!
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