We have both Comcast and AT&T lines here, 3MB service on each. The
AT&T(BellSouth) DSL is far more reliable for us than the Comcast has
been, mostly due to faulty equipment in our 'grid square.' Our BellSouth
line hasn't gone down in the past year and a third (my time here), while
the Comcast side continually needs attention, either through a router or
modem reset. The modem is not reliable, and I'd estimate Comcast's
uptime to be around 90%. Fortunately, it is not feeding the
mission-critical side of our library. Our patrons, especially those with
their cable service at home, even dislike them to the point that they
refer to them as Comcrap! +1 on hating the port blocking as well!


On Wed, 2009-02-04 at 10:21 -0600, Richard Thomas wrote:

> Andrew Farnsworth wrote:
> > If the phone company / DSL provider has their termination equipment in
> > your backyard, you should be able to get 24 Mbit DSL (provided it is
> > DSL2+).  If it is "nearby" then you may get 16 Mbit, then speeds drop
> > with distance out to 0.5 Mbit at about 3 miles.  Find out where
> > exactly the termination point would be, measure the line of sight
> > distance from there to your house and add 50%.  That should give you
> > an idea of expected speeds.
> >
> > Andy
> >   
> I could literally throw a stone from my porch to the Bellsouth building 
> that services my DSL but can't being up anything faster than the second 
> slowest on their Fastaccess website. I'm sure it's just bad data in 
> their system but not sure who to talk to to get it corrected, especially 
> since I actually buy the DSL from a different provider (Butler.net).
> In my own experience, I have found the DSL very reliable and speed is 
> rarely ever an issue for me. I think from what I've read of the Comcast 
> experience, I would find it very frustrating. And as for the port 
> blocking... No thanks.
> Rich
> > 

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