If you can connect to your neighbors sounds like an issue with the router.
Have you upgraded the router firmware to latest greatest? If the router is
out of warranty you might want to crack it open and make sure that the
internal antenna connection is not loose.

On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 10:10 AM, Andrew Farnsworth <farn...@gmail.com>wrote:

> On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 10:56 AM, G K <gm5...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> While it is possible that the neighbors wifi is interfering with yours.
>> I would say most likely it's not. You didn't mention what chipset you're
>> using and if it supports WPA/2 /WEP.
>> Oddly enough when I was using Debian Lenny my wifi would cut out every
>> few minutes and taking it up stairs was out of the question. I had about
>> 6 POA around me with about the same strength as mine and I tried the
>> switching of channels too to no avail. This first setup for wifi I was
>> only running it from 20' away! My router by the way is a Buffalo flashed
>> with Linux.
>> Well long story short I hosed my Lenny install mucking around with
>> SELinux so I reinstalled with Arch. I believe it downloaded the blob
>> from Broadcom on install but it could be using b43-fwcutter. I show b43
>> in lsmod. I also started using WICD and of course since my wifi is set
>> up for WPA/2 I have to use wpa_supplicant. For like that past 2-3 months
>> I have been on 3-5 different network arrangements and wifi very, very
>> rarely drops. I have a lot of processes running thru my connections plus
>> I transfer files smb/ssh and get speeds of up to 2Mbs over wifi.
>> So what i figure is if it did download the binary blob for my card and
>> using WICD helped it was worth the day I totally hosed my Lenny install.
>> You also didn't mention if you can connect without interruption when
>> travelling.
>> Vi^3PP
>> Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
>> iEYEABECAAYFAknx0w4ACgkQ0U8R1ggxA5LWUQCfW+znQ4sh8dhfc5nBvnODrCSM
>> MTUAnRh6osL3xJ6l9VZJjWc7KdAoKoFR
>> =YWvr
>> -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
> First off, yes, I connect just fine when travelling.  Airports, Hotels,
> other people's houses, etc, all work fine.  If I connect (by accident of
> course) to my neighbors wifi it works fine as well.  Only when I connect to
> my router do I have problems.  I am starting to suspect it is my router
> rather than the location / neighbors.  I can pretty easily lay my hands on
> other hardware so I think I may test this before spending too much time
> working on mine.
> Oh, and yes, I am using WPA (v2 I think).
> Andy
> >

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