I missed out on the first part of the meeting last night (I got lost).
In any case for those interested I post a script I have been using for
a few years. (Not all of it is originally mine, and I have no idea
where I found part of it).
I have two linux boxes, one at (very secure)Work and one at Home. Home
has one port (ssh:22 or 443 if I wanted to go through a M$ web proxy )
forwarded from the router to allow Work to ssh in. The one at Work
runs the below in a crontab every few min, (I already set up ssh
keyless entry between them for my user). It logs in and creates a
reverse tunnel back into my Work network from Home. This allows me to
" ssh -p 2059 myu...@localhost" at Home and get into Work through all
the firewalls etc. with out having to use a VPN client. That covers
the -R option shown below. The -D allows me to tunnel my browser
traffic or anything else to a SOCKS 5 proxy through to Home from
Work.  Using the addon foxy-proxy for firefox for instance, I can
tunnel all dns requests and web traffic to localhost:3002  and thus
get around restrictions for browsing at Work. (For instance most linux
websites are labeled "hacking" and are blocked for users with
surfcontrol). There is some more stuff I didn't include below, like by
using ntlmaps I have been able to tunnel my ssh through port 443
through a M$ proxy as well. I know to many this might be old hat but I
am quite pleased with how well this works and just thought I would
share. Also of note you would want to take precautions and make Home
very secure as well. For instance I use tcp.wrappers, /etc/
hosts.allow  and only allow ssh from my work IP address. As to
forwarding X traffic, I don't know if it was mentioned last night(my
lateness sorry) except at the pizza table, but freeNX or NXClient is
by far the fastest way to do such a thing, and it does use ssh as




# $REMOTE_HOST is the name of the remote system


# $REMOTE_PORT is the remote port number that will be used to tunnel
# back to this system

# $COMMAND is the command used to create the reverse ssh tunnel
COMMAND="ssh -N -D $DYNAMIC_PORT -R $REMOTE_PORT:localhost:22 $myuser@

# Is the tunnel up? Perform two tests:

# 1. Check for relevant process ($COMMAND)
pgrep -f -x "$COMMAND" || $COMMAND

# 2. Test tunnel by looking at "netstat" output on $REMOTE_HOST
ssh $myu...@$remote_host netstat -an | egrep "tcp.*:
   > /dev/null 2>&1
if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
   pkill -f -x "$COMMAND"

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