Dude, if this place ran on slashcode I'd mod you +1 insightful.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 24, 2009, at 1:23 PM, Greg Donald <gdon...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 12:34 PM, Chris
> McQuistion<cmcquist...@watkins.edu> wrote:
>> To be honest, blind Microsoft hatred
> But what about Microsoft hatred based on more than a decade of being
> screwed over by them?
> Can I hate them because I've been forced to use and support their
> products when I didn't really want to?
> Can I hate them for making me support their IE6 monstrosity all  
> these years?
> Can I hate them because not even IE8 supports DOM Level 2 Events as
> standardized by W3C way back in 2000?  (Holding back the jQuery coders
> is not cool.)
> Can I hate them for all the shady business practices they've been
> called out for by the EU?
>> Is Linux a better option for many, many things, over Microsoft?   
>> Sure, but
>> that doesn't mean that Linux users should become zealots who take  
>> sick
>> pleasure out of bashing Microsoft (a software vendor that they  
>> don't even
>> use) at every possible opportunity.
> So then.. as long as I am forced to make my code IE6-happy, I can
> freely bash them?
> So as long as I have to keep a WinXP VM around for IE6, and another
> one for IE7, and another one for IE8, can I hate them for costing me
> some 16GB of lost hard drive space?
>> This is the same issue that I get frustrated at Apple about, too.   
>> Apple's
>> entire marketing campaign for the past 5+ years has been centered on
>> pointing out the (real/imagined) problems of their chief  
>> competitor, rather
>> than actually talk about the advantages of their product.  Mac OS X  
>> has
>> advantages over Microsoft.  Linux has advantages over Microsoft.  
>> Why not
>> talk about the real advantages of your platform, rather than beat  
>> up on the
>> other guy?
> Context.  My koolaid is really good, but compared to what?  My shiny
> new i7 cpu is really fast, but compared to what?
> All advertising does product comparisons, not just Apple.  Most all
> modern e-commerce sites have product comparison tools right there
> ready to use.  Site owners are encouraging us to compare products!
> Oh, the horror!
> The ideal solution for me would be a world without any advertising.
> Let me know when it's ready so I can move there.
> -- 
> Greg Donald
> http://destiney.com/
> >

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