Deduplucation is a common feature in backup systems. If you have the  
same file (for good or bad reasons) in several differentbpkaces or  
even on different servers, then why back up the same file 10 or 20  
times?  Back it up once and make pointers to it 10 or 20 times.

On our VMware Data Recovery system, this deduplication (and some very  
slight compression) cuts the backup storage size to about 1/4 the size  
of the raw data.


Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 25, 2009, at 8:25 AM, "Howard White" <> wrote:

> The message is brought to you by the fact that I am not completely  
> awake
> yet  ;)
> Sorting through my morning spam and see a ditty from Network World
> announcing a new Deduplication Appliance.  Really?  Normally I delete
> these things faster than...  But "deduplication" caught my eye.  Oh,  
> it
> has a Wikipedia entry and the product line being promoted _starts_ at
> $65,000.00 so it has to be important.
> The term (I won't even call it a word) "Deduplication" has a humorous
> ring.  Department of redundancy department in five syllables.  I can
> imagine that corporate SAN end up with TBs of the same porn videos
> stored multiple times...   hmmmm,  off to sourceforge to see if there
> are any bots to work through my file servers and identify the multiple
> copies of pictures (of places and people fully clothed, thank you)  
> that
> I know I've thrown willy-nilly.
> So one deduplicates, then the system crashes and they lose the stored
> original...  Captain Murphy's nephew is on the design team.
> Howard
> >

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