Todd Wittenmeier wrote:
> My company uses Verizon cards all the time, usually uninstalling and
> reinstalling VZ access fixes most issues, if they don't have the CD
> you can download it from
> -Todd

Many thanks to all who responded.  After a review of the patient; there 
is more corrupted than just the VZ Access.  The first most disconcerting 
error message reads:

"Could not connect to System Event Notification Service service" 
(jocularity about the redundancy).  I was not able to find an Event or 
Service log to read about the fault (as described in the rest of the 
error message).  The error message implied that some users (and 
services) might not start due to this fault.

Second message:

SMWAN - Windows sockets initialization failed.  Failed to connect to 
Windows service.  This message went away after I un-installed VZ Access 
(which makes sense).

Two other curiosities:  Clam-Win installed but will not launch (and in 
fact I got a blue screen on one reboot) and Disk Defragmentation doesn't 
show a screen at all.  This might imply that the System Event 
Notification Service isn't allowing much of anything to function.

The computer is a Compaq SR560SF and I think the VZ is a UM175.

Please do not commit a major research effort on my behalf.  I'm off to 
Google and Microsoft Knowledge Base now (well, after a meeting tonight). 
  If one knows of a virus or other corruption that targets this vector 
and knows off-hand of the fix, feel free to chime in.



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