Likely a hardware problem; soliciting ideas on what to kick before recycling...

Have three of these HP XW8000 workstations and have had them for some time. Dual Xeon, 3GB memory, damn adequate NVidia graphics, weigh a ton. Two of them reloaded to Ubuntu Lucid 10.4 with no drama.

Do have to say that Ubuntu 10.4 has had the fewest issues since 6.06. It just works; erm mostly.

But _my_ faithful desktop XW8000 no longer boots from any hard disk. Can boot from CD. Cannot boot LiveCD and then boot hard disk. Can do a complete Ubuntu or CentOS install and the resulting install works great in another machine. When I boot from a LiveCD, I may mount whatever hard disks therein and access (haven't really tried to run anything). Have switched in and out video cards, tried both IDE and SCSI disks (has controllers for both). No joy.

Haven't tried to configure a network boot which would be a fun trick. Now I have a good reason to learn how ;)

The good news is that I pulled the existing 8.04 disks out of this machine and put them in an even older HP X4000 workstation. That install goes on its merry way, well I did have to rejigger xorg.conf but hey...


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