> On Jan 21, 2011, at 12:52 PM, Russ Crawford <russ.m.crawf...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Is the FCC order a good idea for consumers?
>> http://www.fcc.gov/Daily_Releases/Daily_Business/2010/db1221/DOC-303745A1.pdf
>> "Verizon Sues F.C.C. to Overturn Order on Blocking
>> Web Sites"
>> What happens if Verizon prevails in its appeal?
>> Comcast and AT&T will likely want the same as Verizon.
>> Is there a way to go around the giant telecoms to avoid blocking altogether?
>> http://www.nytimes.com/2011/01/21/business/media/21fcc.html?nl=technology&emc=techupdateema4
>> --
>> Russ Crawford
>> 615/506-4070

On Fri, Jan 21, 2011 at 2:28 PM, Kevin Wurm <kwu...@comcast.net> wrote:
> I see the ISP's real intentions. Yes, it's good for customers.
> Kevin Wurm

Could you elaborate what you believe the ISP's real intentions are?

>From what I've seen, the heart of the case is "Does the FCC have the
authority to make rules for broadband internet?".  There seems to be
continued debate over that.  The FCC says existing laws give them the
authority, some congress-critters don't believe they do.  The whole
issue has made strange bedfellows of all sorts of groups.

The issue of blocking websites... What I believe the FCC is trying to
say is this:  Say Comcast decides that ABC or CBS are bad (because
they own NBC and don't like "distributing" competing material), so
they block or severely cripple traffic to/from their competitors.  Or
AT&T, or even block specific pages (like how customers sign up for
competing services).

The EFF leaders were split a few years back (haven't checked
recently).  The ones against I believe basically believed "though we
like the rules, we don't want to cede the argument whether the FCC has
the authority or not", and new people may be appointed who make rules
we don't like, they aren't elected positions, etc.

Paul Boniol.

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