Michael Richardson wrote:
>   I hadn't thought of just refiling in the order like that.
>   I rather like it, and I think I'll adopt your script.
>   thanks.

There were a couple of weaknesses in my simple script.  You may know 
this already, Michael... but, partly "for the record" (and maybe for 
people who haven't seen much nmh scripting before) here's the script 
again, then a couple of tricks:

> for sequence in `mark -list | sed 's/:.*//'`
> do
>    refile -link $sequence +inbox/sorted
> done 

PROBLEM #1: The script doesn't re-define the sequences in the 
destination folder.  That's pretty easy to fix by adding an entry like 
this to the .mh_profile:

   Previous-sequence: pseq

And use commands like this after the "refile" to copy the "pseq" 
sequence into a sequence with the original name, from $sequence:

   mark -add -seq $sequence pseq +inbox/sorted
   folder -fast +inbox

The "Previous-sequence" entry can slow down nmh because it writes the 
pseq sequence after every change to any folder.  So it might be better 
to have your script make a temporary .mh_profile file that's built from 
your default .mh_profile with a "Previous-sequence:" entry added.  Point 
the MH environment variable to that temporary MH profile while the 
script is running:

   cat $HOME/.mh_profile > $mhp
   echo "Previous-sequence: pseq" >> $mhp
   MH=$mhp; export MH
   ...run nmh commands...
   rm $mhp

PROBLEM #2: The script includes the "cur" sequence in the list of 
sequences it copies.  You can fix that by telling sed not to print that 

   for sequence in `mark | sed -n '/^cur:/!s/:.*//p'`

or pipe mark's output through 'grep -v cur:', or something.

Jerry Peek, [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.jpeek.com/

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