I just compiled and installed without errors, but 'inc' is not working

Sample session:
bash$ /usr/local/nmh/bin/inc -user tmbl -snoop -host webaccess.gw.htu.se
<--- +OK GroupWise POP3 server ready
---> USER tmbl
<--- +OK
---> PASS ********
<--- -ERR Login Failed
---> QUIT
<--- +OK GroupWise POP3 server signing off
-ERR Login Failed
inc: -ERR Login Failed

But doing the same thing manually works!

bash $ telnet webaccess.gw.htu.se 110
Connected to webaccess.gw.htu.se.
Escape character is '^]'.
+OK GroupWise POP3 server ready
USER tmbl
PASS password                     
+OK GroupWise POP3 server signing off
Connection closed by foreign host.
( Redhat rpm does this thing right but doesnt honour smtp, probably
compiled with
'--with-mts=sendmail' so im stucked anyway )

I have tried to change '#define DBMPWD  1' to '#define DBMPWD  0' and
/* #define DBMPWD  1 */ in 'config.h' but it makes no difference.

What shall i do to get it work? (Please reply to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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