ralph wrote:
 > Hi Paul,
 > > jerrad wrote:
 > > > I don't really understand how relative numbers are useful, but if
 > > > they are to be introduced why not use the same signifier as for
 > > > folders?  i.e; @
 > > > 
 > > > cur@2 = cur+2  cur@-4 = cur-4
 > ...
 > > i'm also not sure how '@' relates to folders.
 > Perhaps Jerrad was referring to `@' being used instead of `+' for
 > relative folders.
 >     folder +inbox
 >     refile @example last    # Means +inbox/example.

huh.  i believe you, but you might have just found a bug in
the man pages. :-)  i can find no mention of such a feature.

 paul fox, p...@foxharp.boston.ma.us (arlington, ma, where it's 55.2 degrees)

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