I've been getting text emails with only a text/html
Content-Type, with no alternative text/plain part.
Microsoft Exchange and Outlook have settings to do that:


This is so annoying (/rude) that I'm finally going to cobble
up a utility to rewrite a message.  I've wanted that anyway
so I can decode a message's parts and then grep, repl, forw,
etc.  I've been using a perl script to do that for years, so
I never migrated to replyfilter.  And it doesn't help with

I'm thinking of something that could traverse the parts of a
message and do things such as:

  * move a solitary text/html into a multipart/alternative
    with a sibling text/plain, generated using what mhshow

  * decode base64 and Q-P parts

  * change Q-P (or base64) in a multipart C-T-E header to
    7bit or 8bit, to address that problem we've heard about
    a few times recently

  * fix mismatched MIME boundaries

Anything else?  It looks like mhtest plus some of the
functions in mhshow and mhstore could do this without
too much trouble.


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